Book Genre Prediction Using NLP is a field of natural language processing that aims to predict the genre of a book based on its textual content
Rp 4999
9 Lessons
01:37:37 Hours
Fake news has a negative impact on individuals and society, hence the detection of fake news is becoming a bigger field of interest for data scientists. Attempts to leverage artificial intelligence technologies particularly machine/deep learning techniques and natural language processing (NLP) to automatically detect fake news and prevent its viral spread.
Rp 4999
6 Lessons
00:44:06 Hours
Chatbots are mainly used to provide customer support. Chatbots are very intelligent. In this project we will be creating a Chatbot application using NLP
Rp 4999
6 Lessons
00:46:00 Hours
Sentiment Analysis, as the name suggests, it means to identify the view or emotion behind a situation. It basically means to analyze and find the emotion or intent behind a piece of text or speech or any mode of communication. For this project, we are using the Natural language process to build and train our model.
Rp 4999
3 Lessons
00:11:52 Hours
In this Project we will be using NLP to predict Movie rating with machine learning approaches to build a machine learning model.
Rp 4999
6 Lessons
00:39:10 Hours
In this project we will be creating a classifier model that can predict if input text is inappropriate or not. Exploring the effectiveness of multiple machine learning approaches and select the best model and tune the parameters to maximize performance.
Rp 4999
7 Lessons
00:39:54 Hours